Storm and Furnace for America

December 27, 2011

On Christmas Eve I had a dream.  I was with a group of people who were talking about this and that; I don’t remember the topic.  We were standing in a square and the sky was partly cloudy but calm.  I moved into position and said, “America will be destroyed.”  These are the same words Jesus spoke to me a few years ago, hence the red letters.  As soon as I spoke, a huge thunderstorm appeared in front of me and the thunder drowned out my words and I thought somebody was trying to hinder the propagation of the word.  The thunderstorm turned into a furnace, blazing red and orange in front of me and I could see at least one person in the flames.  I said, “America will be atoned for!”   Jesus told me, “I cannot emphasize it enough: what you do to others, others will do to you.”  Again, he said, “For what I am going to do there will be no mercy.”  I replied, “You’re funny, Lord.”  He said, “Funny or not, here I come!”  I said, “I’m in stitches already.”  He said, “Suture self.”

“Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans shall their blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made mankind. (Gen 9 NIV)

13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment. (James 2:13 NIV)

The “America” words are the only two I remember from the dream.  God’s response was more important.  It’s not about me.

For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. (2 Cor 4 NIV)

Some guy attacked me with a pair of scissors in his right hand and I awoke.  This was similar to a vision I had of Jimmy Gilpin attacking me, but without the scissors.  He was trying to hit me with his right fist, but it was paralyzed or otherwise held back.  Two hours later at the breakfast feed in the park , the Lord said, The glory of the Lord is upon you, my son.  This morning, the Bible study topic was about the glory of the Lord, specifically John 17:22 about Jesus giving us the glory that the Father gave him and Jesus sending us into the world as the Father had sent him.  Jesus said, Go throughout the world and make disciples.

Then, sometime in March 2012, the Street Church had an open mic and I shared a little about this for a minute or two, that “anyone who is true to Christ is going to wander as a beggar” because “America will be destroyed and is doomed by the coming depreciation” and “when America serves its purpose, they will pull the plug” and I repeated the beggar part because it is a ministry to the homeless and I said that I see myself as an early adopter, and Keith the violin player took the mic and protested that he was not a beggar but a King’s Kid and so on.  Seemed to fit the dream.

Again the same morning as the dream, I had a vision of the city from a distance as a growth and cancer on the landscape.  See also my post, Colorado Springs Targeted for Annihilation, wherein I wrote that Colorado Springs will be atoned for.  I am not wont to use this expression; it came by inspiration, hence the red letters.  Joseph informs us that if God says something twice, it is determined.  See his interpretation of Pharoah’s two dreams which, he said, were the same.

In a similar dream some years ago, I saw a billowing black cloud which filled my field of vision and a big flag of Maryland was superimposed on it.

Thank you for keeping me in prayer.